Hi everyone, so I’m Bryce. For a number of years now I have had a strong interest in the Earth, the environment and how the planet we all share works. This has been moulded by my childhood passion for the outdoors and hiking, where I have truly realised the beauty and value of the planet and our surroundings. This has been done through travelling and often through Scouting, which has been extremely beneficial for me, teaching me much about nature and allowing me to grow as a person as well.

Hiking near mt Washington in the US

My passions have then driven me to complete a geography degree to truly develop a deeper understanding of my surroundings, while making me acutely aware of the issues that face our generation and likely problems future generations are going to face. Life however is for learning, so I am now starting a PhD with my research focusing around climate change and carbon stocks. This illustrates that I have some expertise in areas surrounding a number of problems the world currently faces, and if I can try to further your understanding as the reader, that’s job done in my eyes.

Over my life time I have developed a strong appreciation for nature and the marvels of this planet. I have also witnessed the damage and destruction we have caused and am acutely aware of the further devastation we will cause in the future. Society is slowly starting to realise this, but in my opinion it is simply not fast enough. That forms my stripped back reasoning for this blog. To try to add my voice to the those who are currently shouting at governments, organisations and you the reader, to realise what is happening and the changes we can make today to preserve this planet for tomorrow.

As of current, this is a new project for me, one I’m excited to continue develop and mould, although this means I haven’t quite nailed down what I’m doing yet. But I have loads of ideas, plans and directions I want to go with this blog, and anyone reading, I hope you too will stay tuned and see how this project develops into the future. Please let me know if there are specific topics you feel I could spread some light on, or if you can think of any improvements to my posts or blog please let me know!

Thanks for reading.

