So, as anyone can plainly see, the rate at which posts have been uploaded over the last couple of months have not exactly been as planned. So from here on out, the aim is to really get the blog rolling, with a regular post schedule to really build a community.

Post schedule

So from here on out I will attempt to release 2 posts a week, one by the end of Thursday’s and another on Sunday’s. Additionally once a month I will endeavour to write up a longer in depth post that, with the topic being chosen by you the readers, or hopefully chosen by you once (and if) a readership can be established. Although that’s mainly on me I guess, so will have to see about that one.

Focus for the next couple of months

So if all goes well, I should have posts coming out soon regarding a variety of topics. From what needs to be achieved by the wide spread climate protests we are seeing, to the value of forest carbon worldwide and how we can even begin to address the wide spread pollution that has affected almost every aspect of our planet.

That is all for now though folks, and hopefully with a bit of renewed momentum behind this blog await wedensday for the first scheduled post!

Thanks for reading

Bryce Dixon
